Digilent Inc.

Digilent Inc. - Digilent Inc. is a leading electrical engineering products company serving students, universities, and OEM's worldwide with technology-based educational design tools. Based in Pullman, Washington, USA, Digilent designs, manufactures, and distributes its electronic design tools worldwide. Since its founding in 2000, Digilent products can now be found in over 2000 universities in more than 70 countries throughout the world. As a multinational company with offices in the US, Taiwan, China, and Romania, Digilent is able to provide low-cost, expert quality solutions for a variety of customer needs. In addition to its own products, Digilent has OEM design and manufacturing services for leading technology companies including Xilinx, Analog Devices, and Cypress Semiconductor.
AX Yarıiletken bir stoklama distribütörü Digilent Inc.. Eğer tarafından yapılan herhangi bir ürün gerekiyorsa bize ulaşın Digilent Inc..
Digilent Inc. Ürün:% s
Güç Kaynakları - Board Mount
Kutular, Muhafazalar, Raflar
Donanım, Bağlantı Elemanları, Aksesuarlar
Etiketler, İşaretler, Engeller, Tanımlama
Motorlar, Solenoidler, Sürücü Panoları / Modülleri
Hafıza Kartları, Modüller
Prototipleme, İmalat Ürünleri
Yapıcı / Kendin Yap, Eğitim